
A laid back lady
Tinka is mild and well-mannered to a point where it is almost too much.
She’d prefer to do nothing rather than risking doing something wrong. And she generally tries to ignore any annoyances in her life hoping it will magically disappear – that goes especially for nosy male dogs. And if anyone tells her off she’s convinced the reprimand wasn’t minded at her.
It is said that a springer loves food, but Tinka simply blows the scale. Only when we’re out doing field work is she able to think about something but food. But the rest of the time she’ll do her best working her springer-charm and those sad, but irresistible spaniel eyes, and will aim it at any person in her vicinity.
Tinka is everything I expect a springer to be. Sweet, sociable, mild, and easy going. But also with an incredible sense of smell, and a love for the outdoors. And even though she’ll always find her way through any muddy puddles and loves going for a swim, she’ll refuse to go for a walk if it is raining.
field work
Tinka surprised me when we finally got out in the field. As cool, calm and collected she is at home, as energetic and hard working is she in the field.
She covers the ground well and has a good idea as how to use the wind. She is relatively easy led and retrieves spontaneously.
In 2023 she passed field trial (beginner’s class), water work test and the retrieving test.
Due to Covid Tinka has been sparsely shown but has still managed to obtain her fair share of titles.
She is a show champion in Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Poland, Luxembourg as well as Internations champion.
All of it topped off with several BOB winnings and Best in Group placements.
more about tinka
Tinka arrived in Copenhagen when she was about 2,5 years old. A major declaration of trust by Justyna at the Avendesora kennel in Poland.
I have known Justyna for more than a decade and we have had our share of springer talks over the years. So when I had to part with a young dog due to HD, Justyna offered Tinka could come and stay here.
Tinka had one litter at Avendesora in 2020, her second litter with us in 2022, and a third litter in 2023.
Next – and Tinka’s final – litter is planned for January 2024.
Sex: Bitch
DOB: 10th May 2016
Hips: B
Eyes: Free (november 2022)
Fucosidosis: Clear (DNA-tested)
PRA Cord-1: Clear (DNA-tested)
AMS&DAMS: Clear (DNA-tested)